Wednesday 14 October 2015

System Restore Point Creation

-This system tip would save your files, drive and most probably your life :-)

-Whenever your operating system crashes you will be ready as us..

-Video below show u what and how to do it.

Hotspot - Command Prompt

-Enjoy free hotspot creation without buying, installing or modding any software.
-Your inbuilt app is more than enough.

-A ll in the video below..Enjoi!!!

Start Menu Personalizing

-Appearance is everything.
-Start menu is no exception, Here's how u make your device
 most appealing.
-Tailored classy look that goes a long way..More than meets the eye.

-Find the video process below..

Saturday 10 October 2015

Speed Up Tune up

-Internet enabled devices usually experience the 'hang up' effect.
-To remedy this we need optimization but such programs are premium with
 high price tags.

-But there are cheaper alternatives like this one, with a simple process.
-Try this first for a faster machine response...But of course if the device is
 outdated(maybe hp 1000)  u'll be less slower

-Don't let that stop ya though, chek out the VIDEO below..

Windows Security features

-Some basic security features and how to set yours.
-Some sweet stuff microsoft have done especially if u have a FINGERPRINT
 enabled device.

Find the video below..enjoy

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Windows 10 features part 1

-A brief preview on some basic windows 10 features.
- Desktop new UI (user interface), multiple desktops, cortana search,
  Notification centre and the new improved start menu.
- More coming your way, stay tuned.